Kellie and Mandy kick off the celebration of Birthday's with some drinking games.
Levs celebrates his 22nd by lounging around like a total choad.
Maria's bitter over something I said. It was probably highly offensive.
Jaime had a little too much fun on her boyfriend Bear's 26th Birthday. She also had a little too much booze. She can't remember any pictures even being taken.. ..hehehe...
A slightly inebriated Jaime and Bear, making a mess on the sofa.
Bear shows his sensitive side and carries Jaime from the Altar of the Porcelain God and puts her to bed for the night. He's also showing how to do the Heimlich Maneuver.
This is a really nice picture of Maria and I.
Another nice, though blurry, picture of Kellie and Lopez.
Camera shy Bear proves that you can have your cake and eat it too. Just because you're 26, doesn't mean you're going to go bald!

Lopez's Lair and it's contents are the intellectual property of Todd Rogers, © 1996-1999.